Format for grooms speech- continued
7:57:00 AM
Thanking the Bride, His Newly Wed Wife
- Talk about how you met
- Thank your new wife for marrying you!
- Talk about why you love your wife
- Talk about your future together
Thank Individuals
- Thank those who have helped organize and plan the event.
- Thank the Bridesmaids who have helped your wife through the day. Comment on their charm & beauty - not too much, though, as you may make your new wife jealous!
- Thank the groomsmen and the Best Man
As well as the traditional thanks, the Groom may wish to add a few words about how he met his wife, activities they share, etc. Gentle teasing is in order.
The grooms speech usaully thanks more people than any of the other speakers.
It is usually considered a bit uncouth to thank the people paying for the celebrations for the money they have spent. However it is important to make clear that you appreciate their generosity. There is a risk that your speech becomes a list of “Thank you’s” – try to avoid this if possible. One way is to break up the list of thank-you's with humour or reminiscences. This is particularly effective if it relates to the person who has just been thanked, or is about to be thanked.
Example Speeches - Grooms Speech #1
On behalf of my wife and I, we'd like to thank you all for coming here today and sharing our special day with us. There are times when it's good to be surrounded by people who are important to you, and for us this is one of those occasions. We hope that you're enjoying it every bit as much as we are and we'd like to thank you for your kind wishes cards, presents and support.
We must say we've been really impressed by the number of people that have rallied round to help us in preparation for today, if you're not mentioned by name and that's most of you, please be assured that Kate and I are very grateful.
We must say we've been really impressed by the number of people that have rallied round to help us in preparation for today, if you're not mentioned by name and that's most of you, please be assured that Kate and I are very grateful.
David and Maggie, thank you not only for your hospitality this evening and your kindness, but for also giving me your very beautiful daughter. I promise I'll take good care of her and of course do everything she tells me to, even if it involves golf! I must confess I did actually try it a while ago, and during one lesson with the local pro I asked him whether he had seen any improvement since my last lesson. And he said “er… yup, that's a much better haircut”.
So Maggie, we have a present here for you.
So Maggie, we have a present here for you.
I also want to say thank you to my parents who put up with me for all these years, you have both been there for me when I've needed you and given me a wonderful start in life and I'm very fortunate and proud to have you as my mum and dad. I've a present for you here Mum, as a thank you.
I can imagine that Neil, my best man is getting impatient to make his speech soon. Now many people don't know that Neil suffers from a rare medical condition which causes him to invent fanciful stories. He really does believe these stories to be true and I thank you for humouring him during his speech.
I am absolutely delighted to be able stand here today with Kate, I never knew what was missing in my life before I met her. Kate has been a t source of friendship, support and love. Of course I've no doubt that she is going to tell me afterwards that the only thing missing in my life at the moment is golf, although I am still waiting for her to explain the attraction to a game that consists of a lot of walking, broken up by disappointment and bad arithmetic.
And finally, the bridesmaids, thanks for calming Kate nerves and helping in her preparation today. I'd also like thank you for getting her to the church in one piece and on time, you’ve done a brilliant job. We have a small gift for each of you as a token of our appreciation.
Well, that's it from me for now, but, before I pass you over to my best man, Ladies and Gentlemen, please stand and lift your glasses and join me in a toast to bridesmaids...
For another groom speech exapmple click here.
For a professional guide on how to prepare the groom speech click here.