More groom speech examples- continued

8:08:00 AM

Mum & Den
I also want to say a special thank-you to my mum & Den.
Mum you have been there for me constantly. To have brought Mark, Richard and myself up on your own as you did in our younger days, with so much love, care and guidance has made you not only an amazing person but also my best friend. I am very fortunate and proud to have you as my mum. During my teenage years, Den you gave my mum everything she deserved and became an amazing father figure.
I would like to thank you both for the advice you have given me, for putting up with me and for pointing me in the right direction…usually only to watch me go off and do exactly the opposite, of course…but that’s what sons are for and do best.
And for welcoming Marcella into the family with open arms and for supporting her as much as you do. Mum, don’t worry I will still come round to see you…and at the same time get you to cook a meal, wash my laundry, and generally leave a mess behind…so nothing really changes!
Mum, Den, Bobbie & Steve you have been a huge help with the house. I am not sure we could have done it without you. Richard & Suzy you know that we owe you so much for the support and help when we moved in. I just hope that in the happiness of our marriage we can repay some of what you have done for us.
It is at this point that I would like to give some flowers to both our mums, for being two very inspirational figures in Marcella & my life. And may I just add that you both look beautiful today.
[Present flowers]
As some of you know there is an age gap between Marcella and I…although as a gentleman I will not tell you exactly how much younger I am. For our first official date…I say the first official date as we are not counting the midnight Chinese restaurant in Soho where we drank wine from a teapot with Tony & Carol. We would have counted it but none of us can remember any more than that…and Marcella has asked me not to mention the fact that I invited eleven people into our hotel room the next morning to say hello. So without telling you any of that…our first official date was to a lovely restaurant in Essex where I spent two and a half hours on the phone to another woman. Guys…you’ve either got it or you haven’t…ouch…no seriously I thought that I would put the relationship to the test and all I can say is that she came through with top marks. I came through it with marks as well but that’s another story
Marcella you have stood by me through a lot of decisions since we got together. You agreed to make me the happiest man in the world today and have a natural way that makes every day a joy to be with you.
I know that I told you earlier but I want everyone to know how beautiful you look today. Your dress is stunning and you really do look like a little princess. You really have made me the happiest and proudest man alive today by saying ‘I will’ and I can’t wait to tell everyone that you are now Mrs Lord, at every opportunity. I don’t have to hope that our future together will be a happy one…I know it will be, because every day I wake to find that I love Marcella twice as much as the day before. As Marcella will tell you – I’m often wrong, but in marrying Marcella, I know I’ve made the right decision. Thank-you, darling.
The Ushers
I want to say a thank-you to Tim & Dave for agreeing to be our Ushers and in doing such a great job for us today. You have taken a lot of the worry out of the jobs that needed doing and have done everything that we need.
The Best Man
I am going to struggle to put this next part of my speech into words. There is someone else in this room that I love as dearly as my wife…and that is Michael. Mike, Daddy is so proud of you and loves you so much. I cannot thank-you enough for agreeing to be one of my two Best Men today. You have given me so much joy and happiness and I want to reassure you that both Marcella and I will be there for you whenever you need us.
I remember the day that Daddy took you to school and asked you whether you would mind if Daddy asked Marcella to marry him. You told me that it would be ‘Really Cool’ and gave me a big hug. Well…it might have only been a few hours but I agree…it is ‘really cool’.
It is an amazing feeling knowing how well you and Marcella get on and I know how much you both love each other. I too love you with all my heart and both Marcella and I will try and give you the same support and guidance that we have had from our families. You are always going to be special in my eyes and that will never change.
And if Uncle Steve has given you any story’s to tell about you Dad then you’d better forget them quick.
Oh dear…that brings me onto the other best man. Well…the best I could get at short notice. Thirty years of pain and misery he has caused me. He handed me a whole script of nice wonderful comments that I should tell you about him. Unfortunately, all this did was reinstate my belief of the fact that he is a compulsive liar and anything that he tells you should not be believed for one moment.
I will confirm that he was in a different reform school to that of myself… so he knows nothing of the truth that went on in my childhood.
He was only on day release during our teens and was back under lock and key before dusk…so he knows nothing of my underage drinking habits. Oops sorry mum!
The Scrubs have been his home for the last fifteen years following the discovery that he is an absolute wiz at being able to forge photographic evidence. He would never have been found out had it not been for the fact that someone spotted his head on the new £20 notes instead of the Queen.
Well hopefully that leave you with nothing left to say…if not I’m sorry Mum, Den, Bobbie, Steve, Michael and Marcella can you leave the room now.
Seriously, both Michael and Steve, I could not think of anyone I would rather be Best Man (Men) for my wedding…no seriously I couldn’t…I tried…but they were all booked.
You are have both affected my life in such positive ways and for that I am hugely in you debt.
Marcella & I would like to show our appreciation for everything you have done today and in the build up to the wedding and have a small gift for you both.
[Present gifts]
Now before I finish and ask you to join me in a toast, I believe that my lovely wife would like to gatecrash these speeches and say a few words.
[Marcella’s speech]
Thank-you darling.
I would like to bring my speech towards a close by saying a very special thank-you to Francesca & Charlotte, our lovely bridesmaids.
I am sure you will all agree on how beautiful they look and I will always treasure the picture in my mind of you both entering the room with Marcella and walking down the aisle. Both Marcella & I would like you to know that your earrings and necklaces are a token of our appreciation for everything you have done today.
On that note, I would like to propose a toast to the bridesmaids so would you all be upstanding…and raise your glasses and join us as we toast…Francesca & Charlotte.

To get a professional guide on how to prepare a groom speech with examples and templates click here.

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